It all began seven years ago. Our children brought home the school portraits, but something was completely wrong with those photos. Technically and from a professional point of view. 

I guess we were not the only parents feeling this way.

We made up our mind. We had a mission. We were going to invent a new way to photograph children. To produce simple but still high-end portraits that parents really wanted to put on the wall and give as presents, without having to say "sorry, my daughter obviously wasn't feeling well that day…."

We ran a test to see if we were capable of photographing a large number of children within a short time frame, for a long time, and still stay focused.

We tested my daughter's class.

We also tested the look of the photos. Did the parents like the black & white portraits the way we liked them? Did we manage to have the skin tones correct in our colour photos?

We also tested the communication with the parents. Was it easy and simple enough? For them and for us.

It went very well, but we still test, every single day, to see if we can improve further.

It is now six years ago that we tested my daughter's class of 26 students. This year, we will be photographing 19,000 students who can't wait to bring home their portraits from school.

And they will all be taking home one of the most beautiful school portraits in Denmark:)

We are heading for yet a huge task, and we are looking very much forward to it!

Best regards,

Jens Rosenfeldt